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Company Logo API


API SDK (Python)

API showcase

Costs 6 credits/call   ⭐ We only charge for successfully found logos.

Returns a company logo based on a website domain. If the logo is not in our database yet, it will be extracted from the site on the fly.

  • Company Logo API returns logos both in square and original aspect ratio
  • NEW: Square logos can be automatically resized (1-512px)
  • NEW: Square logos background can be removed (made transparent) or added (made solid if it is transparent)
  • SVG logos are detected too and are available as SVG or PNG in the API response
  • API returns brand colors which can be used for further customization of your UI to the customers
  • When no logo is found, the API can now provide a fallback logo generated from brand colors used on the website.

Coming from Clearbit? See how RiteKit compares to Clearbit's logo API

Need a no code solution? If you need to fill a database with 200k+ logos, please follow instructions here.

Don't want to store the images on your server? Use permanentUrl returned by the API in <img> src attribute. Each image view costs 1 credit (see Permanent Image API).

Practical Example: Customize interface of your app based on user's email domain.

The extraction might take 30-60 seconds depending on the target website size and speed.

API Plans & Pricing

Subscriptions are recurring, billed on the anniversary of your first payment. Please write us if you wish to downgrade your tier or cancel your recurring payment.


Tier 0

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Need more?

Credits per month (all endpoints combined) 100 /mo 100,000 /mo 250,000 /mo 600,000 /mo 1,500,000 /mo

Get in touch

Price per month - $99 $150 $330 $600
Upgrade Upgrade Upgrade Upgrade
All API calls are subject to a rate limit of 100 calls per second.

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